So many local children and families need support and guidance as they work through these types of difficult family situations. It exposed to me the need for foster parents and volunteers to help assist with ensuring "at risk" children are being heard and represented as they face their foster care challenges and opportunities. “Serving as a FCRB member grew in my heart as I went through the foster care training and adoption process for my own family situation. I think that serving on a Foster Care Review Board is a way that I can help to add another layer of protection, advocacy and support for these precious children in need." - Barb Mardis “The social services professionals and the court system that are charged with the responsibility to protect our most vulnerable children are stretched way too thinly. The BHG#1 Board Members had this to say about their service on FCRB: With over 27 years of combined service on the Board, BHG#1 provides great service and insight during Board reviews, making relevant and meaningful recommendations for children and families they review. This seven-member Board brings together community members with experience in business, education, parenting, and social work. Pictured above from left to right are the current members: Second Row, Carole Gustafson, Loleta Montgomery, Jim Horton First Row, Beth Ochsner - Facilitator, Barb Mardis, Maripili Hassman, Martha Kroese. The Black Hawk-Grundy Foster Care Review Board 1 (BHG #1) meets on the second Tuesday of each month in Waterloo. Black Hawk-Grundy 1 Foster Care Review Board